
Venice Lagoon Plastic Free (VLPF) proudly announces that our institutional activities aimed at ...
Last week, Venice Lagoon Plastic Free (VLPF) proudly participated in the inaugural European ...
The latest deliverable from the In No Plastic project explores society’s perception of ...
On January 17, the technical team from Venice Lagoon Plastic Free met with colleagues from the ...
In an effort to preserve the delicate ecosystem of the Venice Lagoon, Venice Lagoon Plastic ...
We are thrilled to announce the new partnership with Sea The Change, a start-up operating in ...
On the 15th of November, Venice Lagoon Plastic Free had the privilege of engaging with students ...
The Bubble Barrier in Vila do Conde, Portugal, was officially launched on the 26 of November, ...
Venice Lagoon Plastic Free (VLPF) recently took part in ECOMONDO 2023- ITALIAN EXHIBITION ...