Venice Lagoon Plastic Free at REMEDIES Project General Meeting

April 30, 2024
Venice Lagoon Plastic Free at REMEDIES Project General Meeting

Last week, the Venice Lagoon Plastic Free team participated in the forth General Meeting of the project HEurope REMEDIES, part of the Mission Ocean and Waters, held in Tirana, Albania.

Over two days, project partners convened to review the latest project developments, including achieved results, upcoming milestones, and potential risks. During this technical meeting, the Venice Lagoon Plastic Free team assumed leadership and presented the community-based cleanup task (2.4) for the Mediterranean demo sites, highlighting their commitment to combating marine plastic pollution.

Moreover, VLPF provided further insights into improving the beach litter monitoring app, adjusting the current state of the art for its finalization and delivery. 

A cluster meeting was held on the third and last day. It featured presentations on related projects like INSPIRE and insightful speeches by Marine Conservation Greece on plastic litter flows. Representatives from various organizations collaborated to map the journey of plastic litter from homes to oceans, highlighting the need for collective action.

Participating in such a consortium meeting is a chance for Venice Lagoon Plastic Free to connect, coordinate, and create a shared consensus on the activities to pursue in the frame of the project.