About us

Venice Lagoon Plastic Free  (VLPF) is a young non-profit organization listed on the National Single Third Sector Registry (RUNTS). VLPF uses the World Heritage site of Venice and its lagoon as a laboratory for developing innovative solutions for Marine Litter pollution prevention, monitoring, management and remediation that can be shared and transferred at a regional, national, European, and international level. VLPF acts as a catalyst for:

  • Interventions and services aimed at safeguarding and improving environmental conditions and the wise and rational use of natural resources, promoting a circular economy of plastic waste, through their localization, direct or indirect recovery, and re-use, regeneration and recycling;
  • Realizing and promoting projects and networks aimed at catalyzing skills and resources for the prevention and reduction of plastic pollution and promoting blue circular economy processes;
  • Promoting and implementing partnership and international cooperation activities in Italy, the EU and third countries, including developing countries, in order to share experiences, knowledge, and technologies, capitalizing on its own assets and expertise for the reduction of plastic pollution and the support of a participated circular economy;
  • Promoting, managing, and implementing large-scale clean-up operations in the historical center, lagoon, and surrounding territories, including the mainland (periurban areas, grasslands, river banks, etc), even with the use of new digital systems and apps;
  • Conducting independent monitoring initiatives related to pollution from plastics and microplastics and other chemical derivatives at a local, regional, and international level, in collaboration with national and international training institutes and research centers, also through the creation of new methodologies and new functional applications for this purpose;
  • Interventions for the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage and landscape, pursuant to Legislative Decree 22 January 2004, no. 42, and subsequent modifications;

Our activities are multidisciplinary and set in cooperation with a broad array of stakeholders, organizations, local and international networks.