Venice Lagoon Plastic Free Establishes a Communities of Practice in Venice

June 4, 2024
Venice Lagoon Plastic Free Establishes a Communities of Practice in Venice

One of the main objectives of the HEurope SeaClear 2.0 is to help create an ocean literate society by providing opportunities for citizens and other targeted stakeholders to engage in a series of activities and events planned at the project’s demonstration and pilot sites. This includes cleanups for marine litter identification, collection, and monitoring through contests and digitalized gamification, workshops and exhibitions, calls for action, and outreach events. 

Moreover, this encompasses the creation of Communities of Practice, set up at each demonstration and pilot site, and including the main stakeholders who can affect and be affected by the SeaClear2.0 project activities. 

Indeed, thanks to VLPF’s coordination, a CoP has been established in Venice, comprising multiple entities and start-ups dedicated to sustainable development and promoting the blue economy in its lagoon, which are:

The Venice Community of Practice aims to foster communities of various stakeholders who will participate in project activities and contribute to bottom-up decision-making processes. 

It will ensure that a broad range of stakeholders will actively contribute to the sense of community ownership and develop a proactive involvement in promoting citizen engagement. A range of innovative activities will be developed, such as: 

  • Beach Cleanups and monitoring operations in the historical center, lagoon, and surrounding areas, including the mainland (peri-urban areas, grasslands, river banks, etc), even with the use of new digital systems and apps using our new litter clean up  app of SeaClear2.0 and the beach litter monitoring of REMEDIES project ; 
  • Interventions and services aimed at safeguarding and improving environmental conditions and the wise and rational use of natural resources, promoting a circular economy of plastic waste through their localization, direct or indirect recovery, and re-use, regeneration and recycling;
  • Realizing activities aimed at catalyzing skills and resources for preventing and reducing plastic pollution and promoting blue circular economy processes in the city of Venice and its lagoon;
  • Interventions for protecting and enhancing cultural heritage and landscape, along with artistic Interventions/installations to sensitize the public about the marine litter problem.