4th edition of the International Workshop “ Marine Litter Monitoring, Removal and Circular Economy” and Clean Up Event

May 22, 2024
4th edition of the International Workshop “ Marine Litter Monitoring, Removal and Circular Economy” and Clean Up Event

The fourth edition of the International workshop “Marine Litter Monitoring, Removal and Circular Economy: Solutions for the Mission Restore our Ocean and Waters” will be held in Venice on May 30, at CNR-ISMAR, Arsenale, Tesa 104 Castello 2737/F, 30122 Venice (Italy).

This event, organized in collaboration with the BlueMissionMed Italian HUB, will be held during the International Boat Show and is a partner event of the European Green Week.

This workshop, which tackles the crucial issue of marine litter, was a joint and muti-years activity of the H2020 projects MAELSTROM and the now-closed InNoPlastic and a venue for exchanging knowledge and updates on technologies to remove and recycle marine waste.

During these years, Venice Lagoon Plastic Free worked side by side with CNR ISMAR, ISDI CIMA Foundation from Italy, and the International Boat Show teams to create opportunities for intersectoral auditors from industrial entities, start-ups, and NGOs. 

Indeed, the workshop will house representatives of other European projects, such as HEurope SeaClear 2.0, REMEDIES,  H2020 Maelstrom, and independent entrepreneurs working on planning and experimenting with innovative marine litter collection devices through technology aimed at the circular economy.

Here you may find the Agenda of the workshop.

If you’re working within the framework of marine plastic litter remediation and circular economy, don’t miss out on this opportunity to follow the event through our link teams

In the aftermath of the international workshop, on June 1st, there will be the XI edition of the International Clean Up and Marine Litter Monitoring Day

Indeed, Venice Lagoon Plastic Free, as part of the EU projects MAELSTROM and REMEDIES and in collaboration with the WWF’s Plastic Smart Cities program, is organizing this event which is part of the World Environment Day: Our Land. Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration and is a partner event of the European Green Week.

Moreover, this event is also part of the “Community of Practice for Venice” of the HEurope SeaClear2.0, which includes a core group of multiple associations and start-ups dedicated to sustainable development in Venice and the promotion of the blue economy in its lagoon. 

This initiative involves a large-scale clean-up and marine litter monitoring in Venice and it’s lagoon. It targets all removable waste, especially plastic, and welcomes participants of all backgrounds and groups that respect environmental and cultural values. 

Participants in Venice will meet at 9:00 at Imbarcadero Sant’Alvise, in Mestre at Green Caffè in Parco San Giuliano, where they will receive materials and be instructed on safe operation procedures.

Here you may find the agenda.