
A pair of cute dolphins popped up at the Grand Canal‘s main entrance on World Water Day! ...
The kick-off meeting of In-No-Plastic’s twin project MAELSTROM (Marine Litter Sustainable ...
A new report about management of the protected areas in the Mediterranean was recently ...
As new sanitary measures were going to be announced by the region of Veneto, on October 31 we ...
The kick-off meeting of our new EU Horizon 2020 project “In-No-Plastic” (Innovative approaches ...
Almost 3 tons (2778 kg, to be precise) of waste was collected on Sunday 4 October on the ...
We invite you to participate in an event dedicated to plastic pollution and marine litter in ...
During the Covid-19 lockdown, we carried out a Venice surface water sampling for assessing the ...
On August 3rd, Venice Lagoon Plastic Free has launched a weekly based marine litter ...