VLPF at EOSC Future Webinar ‘Pan-European digital assets supporting research communities – Benefits & opportunities’

December 19, 2022
VLPF at EOSC Future Webinar ‘Pan-European digital assets supporting research communities – Benefits & opportunities’


The 5th and 6th December 2022 marked the EOSC Future Webinar entitled ‘Pan-European digital assets supporting research communities – Benefits & opportunities’. As part of this webinar, VLPF, alongside ISDI, and CNR-ISMAR and with contributions from the Politehnica University of Bucharest (UPB) from the H2020 project In-No-Plastic, took part in the session ‘Experiences from Early Adopters approaching EOSC: the RELIANCE Open Challenge’. The webinar was co-hosted by the Reliance Project.

The main Research Objects covered during this session, which took place during the morning of the 6th December, were: marine litter pollution monitoring and researching; Covid 2020 lockdown as a test bed for understanding the Earth System and our biosphere, and the case Study of the Smart technology for MArinE Litter SusTainable RemOval and Management (MAELSTROM) Project.⁠



What is EOSC Future?


EOSC Future is an H2020 project co-funded by the EU which is implementing the European Open Science Cloud: a tool which will allow researchers access to fair and broad data services. The platform aims to integrate existing services and data from a range of scientific communities, e-infrastructures, and research infrastructures, allowing researchers across Europe to access resources and manage the full lifecycle of their data.



The Webinar: ‘Pan-European digital assets supporting research communities – Benefits & opportunities’


Taking place over 2 half-days, the EOSC Future Webinar brought together current EOSC users, who presented the ways in which their communities are utilising EOSC digital assets to address important scientific and social challenges. These related to 3 key UN Sustainable Development Goals: climate action; industry, innovation, and infrastructure; good health and well-being.

Represented by Paolo Franceschetti, VLPF presented, during the session entitled ‘Experiences from Early Adopters approaching EOSC: the RELIANCE Open Challenge’, the ways in which our association will be part of the community of early adopters of  the European Open Science Cloud services. These were developed as part of the EU project RELIANCE – in particular the RoHub service. VLPF created a data-centred Research Object to carry out data storing and sharing for current and future marine litter surveys in the lagoon of Venice and beyond. Dr Maria Rapa of UPB, with Prof. Teresa Cecchi, also presented during the session, detailing a methodology-oriented Research Object: the In-No-Plastic project’s marine litter sampling analysis of microplastics.


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More from VLPF | In-No-Plastic and MAELSTROM at the 7th International Marine Debris Conference in Busan