Venice Lagoon Plastic Free Official Data Provider for EMODnet

October 18, 2022
Venice Lagoon Plastic Free Official Data Provider for EMODnet


We at Venice Lagoon Plastic Free have received official accreditation from the European Directory of Marine Organisations (EDMO) to become marine litter data providers for EMODnet: the European Marine Observation and Data Network. This accolade will allow us to share our data and findings with important members of the European scientific community, paving the way to the development of innovative solutions in the fight against plastic pollution and marine litter.



What is EMODnet?


The European Marine Observation and Data Network is an online portal that collates marine data from across Europe – its network consists of more than 120 organisations, making this data available to both public and private users. All data is quality-assured and standardised, with no restrictions on their use.

EMODnet was initiated by the European Commission as a response to the EU Green Paper on Future Maritime Policy. The main goal of EMODnet is to catalyse investments in sustainable offshore and coastal activities; the portal is divided into sub-portals which each focus upon a specific theme, including geology, chemistry, biology, seabed habitats, and more.

EMODnet believes that quick, easy access to reliable information is key in successfully addressing issues within and threats to the marine environment, and is fundamental in the development of protective policies and legislations. It also allows local authorities across Europe to pay particular attention to more vulnerable coastal areas and oceans, as well as predicting future trends and changes.



Venice Lagoon Plastic Free Accredited Data Providers


Venice Lagoon Plastic Free has officially been accredited on the European Directory of Marine Organisations as data providers for the European Marine Observation and Data Network. This database contains updated information on agencies, research institutes, and organisations within the industry.


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