Save the date: Marine Litter in Venice – 3rd October 2020

September 25, 2020
Save the date: Marine Litter in Venice – 3rd October 2020

We invite you to participate in an event dedicated to plastic pollution and marine litter in Venice, which is set to take place on 3rd October at 16:00, at Hotel Saturnia & International (San Marco, via XXII Marzo, Venezia)

The goal of the event is to raise awareness and promote a dialogue between citizens, private businesses, local public and research institutions on the issue of marine litter in Venice, as emerged from various micro- and macro-plastic monitoring activities in the last several years. At the same time, different solutions will be presented which could limit and/ or remove marine litter through the use of new automated technologies, and which make it possible to reprocess recovered plastics in the framework of the circular economy.

The event’s full program is available here.